
Standley Enow In 5 Dates

Stanley Enow in 5 dates

Stanley Enow

Under a spanish guitar tune that reminds us of the title of Tony Braxton, Stanley Enow delivers "Adore You" featuring with Mr. Eazi of Nigeria. A perfect agreement between French and English where Mr Eazi succeeded to speak the language of Molière. Two young people who go up and sing this hymn to the woman in an Afro and reggae mix. Between charming texts and gypsy melodies, Stanley Enow took advantage of his Adore You Media Tour to tell us about 5 dates that marked his journey. 

June 9, 2017 

This is the date of the official release of this new single "Adore you". We posted the title that day at 9am and at 4pm it became the hymn to the fans. The mayonnaise has taken DJs to the public. I saw fans who braved the risk of getting knocked down by a car to get closer to me and pick up the refrain in my company. This is a new beginning for me the child of the country. February 8th It is the date of my birth if that day did not exist I too would not be there. The "Bayangi boy" was born in Bafoussam. He practiced in communication before being stung by the virus of the song. April 2013 When "Hein père" came out I had posted the photo of the clip by writing "here is the messiah of the Cameroonian Hip Hop" of many people have insulted me but after them they proved me right. From this picture nothing has ever been the same. I was confident and everything went as I said. September 2013 At Stadium Ahmadou Ahidjo during the match between Cameroon and Libya. It was 4000 people who chanted the title "Hein father". Even the authorities present had lent to the game it was magnificent. 24 August 2014


In Durban I am named and I am the first Cameroonian who wins the MTV Africa Music Awards in South Africa in the category "Best Revelation". I felt like a villager who saw the city. In this kind of situation you are king for hours and after you plunge into the work to redouble effort and represent this youth. 

From Love Song to Pray for me up to Adore You more and more deep texts? 

At the moment there are many problems of peace and I do not want to be the artist who will come to fan the fire. This gentleness in my songs is the feeling that now lives with me. I offer only what my heart feels. 

Why did you choose Claude Ndam? 

Because it is a legend and I would like to be.And I would like to pay homage to the legends, especially those still alive. 

Now closer to the public? 

We prepare "Adore You Tour" and we are in this moment to communicate with the fans to transmit these emotions to them Live. 

Adore You to whom are you addressing? 

To all women, they have great value. The women are adorable and in general this is what I celebrate. It looks personal but it's made for fans to find it. They are very valuable. The women are adorable and in general this is what I celebrate. It looks personal but it's made for fans to find it. They are very valuable. The women are adorable and in general this is what I celebrate. It looks personal but it's made for fans to find it.
