
# 10yearsChallenge: I'm not ashamed of my story - Bailly to his detractors

After the #IceBucketChallenge, the #MannequinChallenge or the #BidoungKpwattChallenge, many Cameroonians have been carried away by the # 10YearChallenge, challenge that everyone must post a photo of him from 10 years ago versus a current photo. 

This moment of sharing memories quickly turned into fact checking for several Kmers who waited only the opportunity to ask without "back thought" to people suspected of having used the Ndjansang, to bring out their photos before before. The singer Blanche Bailly, regularly accused of having used plastic surgery and mastering the secrets of Ndjansang, was no exception to the rule. Many Internet users did not just want his photos of 10 years ago but his childhood photos. 

Annoyed but not at all embarrassed, Mink's Candy has unveiled her picture of her much younger. 

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On demandes . Vous reclamez mes photos d'enfance.

Je n'ai pas honte de mon histoire , mais plutôt fière de mon parcours !

109 people are talking about this

Understand that my throwbacks are different from yours
Bruh we ain't had same life or lived in same environment. Period

See BlancheBailly's other Tweets

The star made a point of clarifying things for her critics her fans, mentioning in a series of tweets that from her youngest age, she was always very well fucked and also super stylish. It was her aunt's sting that was taking care of her when her mater was not there that did not help her potential.

