
Where is Ambe? Daphne and Numerica in love

Daphne and Numerica in love

Screenshot of the video

A question that has attracted the enthusiasm of Internet users for a few days. 

Daphne and Numerica would they be in love? 

The musician Daphne made a double delivery on November 15th. The official videos of the tracks "up to The Station" and "Promise Me" were unveiled by the miss stalled on its YouTube channel. 

Videograms eagerly awaited by the fans who were marked by a big surprise. 

Numérica, the artist RnB appears in both clips. The author of the single "Wallaye Billaye" is the main character after Daphne in the two new videograms. A gesture that deepened the doubts that had been born the two artists in a precedent featuring. 

In fact last year, Numérica and Daphne had teamed up on the hit "No Way". A song in which, the two artists illustrate a complicity that does not have its name. The icing on the cake, a languid kiss is exchanged between the two 'lovebirds'. 

Staging or real love story? It can not be confirmed. 



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Several reactions come from the Net surfers here are some: 

"Why Numerica ????? Doubts would it be confirmed? Like if you think that Daphne and Numerica are cute together and form a beautiful couple " 

" Numerica you see that you give reason to St Bruno who had sung that the Bafang are the biggest banana thieves in the West "


"Promise me with Numerica 

Up to the station again with Numerica 

Asay hien Daphne; we missed what part of the movie noor ???? " 
